We are living in a technological world and as much as we’d love to say that you can’t beat the classics, there is something alluring about living in the new age, with all of the advantages that this brings.
So, while we do understand that the modern home aesthetic isn’t for everyone, in article we will specifically target the people that are just as enchanted with the modern-day technology as we are, so hopefully if you find yourself within that category you will find this guide as interesting as we do.
But what exactly will we be focusing on? Well, we’ll go straight into one of our favorite gadgets that you can’t skip out on if you want to bring your smart house to the next level, aka the wireless sound system.
We will offer you a top 20 of the absolute best models on the market alongside a brief description of why we chose them in the first place.
But before we go any further, we should take the time and brief you up on everything there is to know about wireless sound systems so that you can make the best choice for yourself afterwards. So, let’s start this guide off right, with:
What You Need to Consider

5.1 or More?
First and foremost, we need to mention the popular 5.1 option and why it’s everyone’s first pick these days.
The 5.1 surround refers to the fact that there are five different ranged speakers around you, with one in the center, two on the left and on the right sight of the screen and of course, two more on the left and right side of your listening area.
5.1 is usually preferred by most but recently we’ve seen the interest grow in the 7.1 setups as well. These are very similar to 5.1 setups, with the main difference being in the fact that you also get an extra two speakers behind you.
If you were to add in an extra subwoofer, you’d get a 7.2 setup and if you really want to go all out you can add in multiple ceiling speakers with a 7.1.2 or a 7.1.4 setup.
At the end of the day, it all depends on your own personal preference, but to be fair there isn’t all that much of a difference so 5.1 will be more than enough for most anyone.

Wi-Fi or Bluetooth?
While Bluetooth does have less range and worse quality overall, not everyone is comfortable with setting up a Wi-Fi based sound system, and on top of that most people can’t even tell the difference between Wi-Fi and Bluetooth since they primarily listen to MP3s.
How Much Power and Capacity Should I Go For?

In case you didn’t know by now, your sound system’s power is expressed in watts, with the higher the number resulting in a louder and probably a clearer experience overall.
As much as we love saying that size doesn’t matter however, as far as the overall capacity goes, we always have to side with the larger models simply because they offer a much better experience 90% of the time.
With that out of the way however, it should be about time that we jumped right into this top 20 list of the best wireless surround systems out there. So, let’s just skip the formalities and jump straight into our first pick of the day:
20. VIZIO V51-H6
This is a great choice for those that are looking to get a high-quality soundbar/subwoofer system without actually breaking the bank.
First and foremost, it is a very compact model, and on top of that its quality sound is something that we can’t complain about in the slightest.
Although it is plastic, it does feature fabric grille on both sides of the panels meaning that you will never have to worry about it breaking on you.
19. Bose Lifestyle 650 Home Entertainment System
This is actually Bose’s flagship wireless surround sound system right here and we do have to say that despite its decent sized list of flaws, it still remains one of their best products yet and that’s saying a lot.
Bose have always been extremely good at providing us with sound equipment over the years and this right here is actually a very good example of how consistent they are with their craft.
Design wise this is a straight ten out of ten, it is one of the prettiest models on this list for sure, but the thing that keeps it from being higher on our list is definitely the price tag attached to it.
18. Polk Audio MagniFi Max SR

If you’re on the market for a high-quality budget sound system then you may as well check this one out because it is by far one of your safest bets yet.
For a system that you can get for under $1,000 this actually offers you a lot of features that you didn’t even know you needed, including the MAX soundbar, the wireless subwoofer and of course, two rather large wireless surround systems.
While Dolby Atmos isn’t on this soundbar system, you can still get access to most Dolby and DTS audio formats on the market.
17. JBL BAR 9.1
JBL’s top soundbar is no pushover either as this is what we would honestly refer to as one of the best 9.1 systems your money could buy you.
It comes with a booming subwoofer that will have your entire room shake and two wireless rear speakers that are sure to make your experience all the better.
The two extra speakers are really the best part of this set, and since they are wireless you can place them anywhere you want to make you feel like you’re one with the music.
16. JBL 5.1
While JBL’s 9.1 is always going to be perfect for large rooms and for the person that really wants to show off to their friends and loved ones, the classic 5.1 is in our honest opinion the superior product.
Not only is it half the price of the 9.1 system but it is also fully wireless just like it and since you can just plop the speakers anywhere you want to you can make your experience all the better even if you don’t have any power outlets in your room.
The only real downside to it is the fact that this is a rather small system which means that in larger rooms the sound will echo quite a bit and it will be distorted if you’re not careful with your location.
15. Damson S Series Wireless Home Theater System
Despite the fact that they’ve only been around since 2012, Damson have already established themselves as one of the absolute best sound system brands out there by not holding back and instead focusing all of their resources to take over the titans of the industry such as Bose and JBL.
This is a very good example of their hard work and dedication working out for them, especially thanks to the number of different connections and of course, the overall design that they chose to go with.
14. Sony HT-Z9F 3.1ch Soundbar with Subwoofer and Rear Speakers
Actually, the full name of this set could be “Sony HT-Z9F 3.1ch Soundbar with Dolby Atmos and Wireless Subwoofer + 2 SA-Z9R rear speakers. This name is a handful to say the least, but luckily you can summarize it all with this one word alone: “Sony”.
They are so infamous in the sound system community that you instantly know exactly who you’re dealing with right there and most importantly, you know that you are getting the highest level of quality your money could buy with this option. Needless to say, it’s Sony, what else can you expect?
13. Denon DHT-S316 Home Theater Soundbar System
Despite the fact that they are mostly known for their AV receivers and amplifiers, Denon actually did a splendid job with this audio system, to the point where they even overtook their competition for a long time thanks to it.
While there are definitely a lot of positives with it though, we do have to mention that the remote that comes with it isn’t backlit and on top of that it looks and feels a lot cheaper than it should for this price tag.
12. Yamaha YAS-207BL Sound Bar with Wireless Subwoofer Bluetooth
Even if you’re not the biggest fan of sound systems out there you should still know of and respect Yamaha as a speaker brand simply because they have brought us some of the absolute best audio tech that we’ve ever gotten our hands on.
On top of that, the model we have here is actually their very first soundbar/subwoofer wireless system that can support the DTS:X object-based tracks and it is also one of the best-looking models they ever dropped as well.
11. VIZIO SB3651-F6 36″ 5.1 Home Theater Sound Bar System
Currently VIZIO offers some of the most affordable systems on the market, and this may very well be one of their top choices simply because of how high-quality the materials used for it are.
Design wise this is definitely getting an A+ from us, and on top of that since the soundbar is only 36 inches long you can place it discretely in the corners of your room and not have it stick out like a sore thumb.
10. Platin Monaco 5.1 Plus Axiim Link Immersive System
This is one of the best choices for you if you’re looking for a WiSA certified product. This is a great option for most users out there because it completely ditches out the need for Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, focusing solely on the WiSA specs.
The 270W system is also great because it’s not powerful enough to deafen you but it is more than loud enough to make sure that the sound reaches even the farthest sides of the room.
9. Enclave Audio CineHome II
When they first hit the scene, the minds behind Enclave’s success didn’t expect to make as much of a profit as they did, but luckily because of their continuous work they actually managed to completely take over their competition and eventually establish themselves as a top tier company.
This was also due to the fact that they offered one of the first systems with a WiSA certificate, and on top of that their 5.1 systems just downright sounded a lot better than anyone else’s at the time.
8. VIZIO Elevate System
The Elevate soundbar is actually one of VIZIO’s greatest achievements to say the least as it excels both design and quality wise.
Its main draw besides the overall sound quality is definitely its auto-rotating speakers which follow you around and replicate the bounciness of the audio experience to make it all the better for you.
The only real issue that we could think of with them is the fact that the rear surround speakers require you to wire them to the subwoofer which can be quite annoying to deal with.
7. Sonos Surround Set with Arc Sub
Quite possibly one of the absolute best standalone wireless soundbars on the market right now, it’s actually extremely hard to find any wrongs with this one simply because of how much care went into its making.
Sound quality wise you’re looking at a top dog to say the least, and on top of that the subwoofer and two rear speakers are sure to enhance the unique audio experience further than you’d expect. Sonos definitely did a wonderful job with this soundbar.
6. Sony HT-A9
This may very well be one of Sony’s greatest achievements here which says a lot considering the huge portfolio that Sony have amassed over the years.
What sets this system apart from any other though is definitely the fact that despite not looking all that special, it is actually full of subtle details that we never expected to find on a sound system to begin with.
5. Polk Audio Signa S2
Polk Audio have always excelled when it came to their budget-friendly sound systems and this model right here is no exception.
On the one hand this is one of their slimmest and most compact systems yet, but at the same time it offers some of the crispiest sound quality your money could buy you.
So, if you don’t want to break the bank with this acquisition then there’s honestly no better choice out there than this Polk classic right here.
4. Samsung Harman Kardon HW-Q90R
Similar to Sony, Samsung have pretty much ruled over the tech industry for a very long time now, to the point where we will even abstain from mentioning why this product of theirs is good simply because everyone else expects it already from them.
It is Samsung, so you already know the design is sleek and beautiful, the quality of the materials used is top notch and most importantly, thanks to the 13 drivers in it you will never be able to switch out from it once you get used to it.
3. Sonos 5.1 Home Theater System PLAYBAR, SUB, PLAY:1
Currently speaking, unless you’ve been sleeping under a rock you must know who Sonos is and most importantly, what the brand is famous for. It is currently one of the leaders in the wireless audio industry, in fact it was one of the first names out there to actually think of using wireless audio equipment in the first place.
So, considering the overall reputation that they’ve made for themselves out there and the experience they have amassed so far, it’s no wonder that this is one of the absolute best sound systems your money could buy.
2. Nakamichi Shockwafe Elite 7.2.4Ch 800W Soundbar System
The Elite 7.2.4 is pretty much what we would refer to as one of the absolute best audio systems on the market for a plethora of reasons.
First and foremost, it offers you 2 incredibly high-quality subwoofers that can make even the crunchiest sound feel a million times more intense.
On top of that, you have an upgraded Bluetooth module to boast with, one of the most reliable wireless connections available and we can’t possibly forget about the affordable price tag that is just the cherry on top for this amazing product.
1. Nakamichi Shockwafe Pro 7.1Ch 400W 45″ Sound Bar with 8” Wireless Subwoofer
Nakamichi have been around since the 70s and let’s just say that throughout their first two decades they didn’t hold back in the slightest.
They pretty much ruled over the market back then, and as soon as the digital audio era came along they had to adapt to it or they’d be forgotten by everyone by the end of the decade.
Luckily thanks to incredible systems such as this one right here we can safely say that nobody will be dismissing their efforts to say the least, as this is in our honest opinion the absolute best audio system that you could ever get your hands on, and that’s a fact.
While this may very well be our opinion, you are always entitled to your own train of thought. This is why we always recommend that you don’t follow the numbers on our list as much as you focus on the names that you see mentioned on it.
You may think that Sony is far superior to Nakamichi and that’s okay, the only thing that really matters here is that you get a product that you’re happy with and if we managed to help you get to that point then we believe that our mission here was a success.
So for now thank you for reading and we hope that this was a good indicator as to what your next big acquisition should be.
- What You Need to Consider
- 20. VIZIO V51-H6
- 19. Bose Lifestyle 650 Home Entertainment System
- 18. Polk Audio MagniFi Max SR
- 17. JBL BAR 9.1
- 16. JBL 5.1
- 15. Damson S Series Wireless Home Theater System
- 14. Sony HT-Z9F 3.1ch Soundbar with Subwoofer and Rear Speakers
- 13. Denon DHT-S316 Home Theater Soundbar System
- 12. Yamaha YAS-207BL Sound Bar with Wireless Subwoofer Bluetooth
- 11. VIZIO SB3651-F6 36″ 5.1 Home Theater Sound Bar System
- 10. Platin Monaco 5.1 Plus Axiim Link Immersive System
- 9. Enclave Audio CineHome II
- 8. VIZIO Elevate System
- 7. Sonos Surround Set with Arc Sub
- 6. Sony HT-A9
- 5. Polk Audio Signa S2
- 4. Samsung Harman Kardon HW-Q90R
- 3. Sonos 5.1 Home Theater System PLAYBAR, SUB, PLAY:1
- 2. Nakamichi Shockwafe Elite 7.2.4Ch 800W Soundbar System
- 1. Nakamichi Shockwafe Pro 7.1Ch 400W 45″ Sound Bar with 8” Wireless Subwoofer