If playing ping pong is your favorite way of spending free time, you’re in for a real treat today. 10 LAYERS is a futuristic ping pong table, launched by Israeli designer, artist and architect Ron Arad, who wanted to make a unique sculpted ping pong table that would slow the game down and make rallies longer.
This beauty is called 10 Layers because it’s actually made of ten Silestone quartz surfacing slabs, layered together with CNC miling and curved in all directions to get this stunning sculpted look. Ron Arad also mixed these quartz slabs in the most beautiful way possible, blending grayscale slabs with white, kensho and negro tebas.
The designer had this brilliant idea after visiting Cosentino’s plant, where he was fascinated by the production of dekton® and silestone® and tried to imagine what else we could do with this magical material. That’s how 10 Layers was born, an innovative ping pong table that allows us to enjoy this material and the game itself in a completely different way.
Now, we won’t see any world championships around this concept any time soon. It would, however, add to any game room’s appeal and become a conversation starter for anyone willing to put it in their home. Unfortunately we don’t have any word on pricing or availability yet, but we’re sure these details will become public very soon.