Home > Tech & Leisure > The World’s First Smash Proof Guitar: the Sandvik Smash-Proof Titanium

The World’s First Smash Proof Guitar: the Sandvik Smash-Proof Titanium

By Thom Esveld


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Sandvik 3D Printed Smash Proof Titanium Guitar 4

Some of us surely remember the sight of a bad ass heavy metal guitar player smashing his guitar on the stage at the end of an insane concert. It might look cool in that setting and with all that energy and adrenaline around, but the exciting stage show leaves the guitar completely destroyed. And guitars are very delicate instruments, despite what most people would think.

For that purpose, the guys from the legendary metal manufacturing brand Sandvik have just created the first ever smash proof guitar. The Sandvik Smash-Proof Titanium Guitar is their solution to those wild stage shows of heavy metal players after a full concert night.

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The guitar, created with the help of legendary 6-string virtuoso Yngwie Malmsteen, is a super tough musical instrument crafted from metal alone. The body of the guitar was 3D printed from titanium powder, which makes it super lightweight and extremely strong. The guitar neck was machined from a single stainless steel piece, making it incredibly tough as well.

To test it out, the guys at Sandvik swung it around smashing everything they could find around, from furniture to equipment, while the guitar remained intact. What remains to figure out is the quality of the sound.

Sandvik 3D Printed Smash Proof Titanium Guitar 2

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About Thom Esveld

Thom has over 7 years of experience writing content about subjects such as travel, cars, motorcycles, tech & gadgets, and his newly discovered passion, watches. He’s in love with two wheeled machines and the freedom and the thrills that motorcycle travel provides. Learn more about Luxatic's Editorial Process.

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