Let me just start off by saying that I can’t believe no one has thought of this before. Growing plants indoors without water or sunlight sounds impossible, but as the saying goes, even the word itself, says I’m possible. The Myrdal Plantlamp allows live to thrive inside your home, without sun and water, in the most exceptional way possible.
Designed by Emilia Lucht and Arne Sebrantke, of Studio We Love Eames, this amazing concept is ideal for places that are deprived of sunlight and a regular water supply, allowing plant lovers to sustain their greenery anywhere.
Fitted with LED lights, the Myrdal Plantlamp creates its own self-sustaining ecosystem, mimicking the process of photosynthesis, to bring your entire home to life.
Aside from looking absolutely beautiful, these life sustaining lamps feature an electrically conductive glass coating that’s capable of streaming the electricity invisible along the surface, allowing the lack of cable connection between the power source and the LED light, not to mention a more appealing, minimalist effect.
If you love what you see right now, you shouldn’t get too excited prematurely, as the lamps are not yet not available for sale. I’m sure we can all agree these wonderful examples of ‘artificial life’ are worth the wait.