Renowned for their skills in acoustics and sound, Bang & Olufsen have come up with the brand new BeoPlay A3 iPad Speaker as part of their B&O PLAY infantile brand. The set can be connected to practically any iPod there is and can function in 4 different configurations. It enhanced the acoustics of the iPad through a 2.5-lb dock, shaped like a wedge, which includes a 2-inch subwoofer and 3 0.5-inch tweeters.
The purpose of this brand new piece of engineering is to deliver an “enhanced sonic experience for a variety of applications, whether you are listening to music, checking out the latest films or online videos, or holding a video conference with your friend and colleagues”, as Bang & Olufsen stated.
Crafted from polycarbonate, the speaker comes encased in an aluminum frame along with a battery that can reportedly play continuously for around 5 hours. It can virtually fit all first-gen and second-gen iPads, via the rubber collars that provide a snug fit.
Speaking for enthusiasts, the speaker is equipped with a Class D amplifier, while the individual speakers can deliver sounds ranging from 60 to 15,000 Hertz. In addition, it comes with the Adaptive Stereo Orientation system, courtesy of B&O, a feature that simply adjusts the sound to match the gadget’s positioning.
For $549 per unit, everyone is already able to acquire a piece, as the series has been released on the 21st of May. For the moment only the black version is available, but a white one will also come to market pretty soon. Check them out in Bang & Olufsen’s showrooms worldwide, BeoPlay online store or Apple stores.
[Bang & Olufsen]