Created by Italian designer Giancarlo Zema, the Waternest 100 is an eco-friendly floating house which seems to be the ideal dwelling for those wishing to get up close and personal with nature.
Designed in collaboration with London-based EcoFloLife, the residence is intended to adapt to a world in the midst of climate change, while being itself as sustainable as possible. Designed to be 98% reusable, it is made using recycled timber and a recycled aluminum hull. The home offers its residents 1,000 square-feet of space, which includes a large covered balcony, as well as sizeable windows, which allow in an abundance of natural light. Speaking of which, a large solar panel covers the entire roof and helps power the entire house.
Giancarlo Zema’s Waternest 100 took several years to develop, however it currently serves as a concept rendering. No plans to actually build this intriguing residence have so far been announced.