Aerion Supersonic and Lockheed Martin have teamed up a few years ago to come up with the next best thing for business travelers, who want to go from one place to another at speeds faster than ever. The result of this unique partnership is called the AS2, and it’s the world’s first supersonic business jet, that will get high rollers to their desired destination at astronomical speeds.
A rebirth of supersonic flights seems to be right around the corner, and it’s something that has been expected for years now, with safe and efficient civil supersonic aircrafts soon to be delivered. I’m not sure why, but I can’t help but think about James Bond or some of his famous foes using this supersonic beauty to get to their next job in no time.
Hollywood movies aside, this incredible supersonic jet will most likely serve as an impressive platform for future supersonic projects. The airplane’s preliminary design of the wing and airframes structures, the systems layout, as well as fly-by-wire flight control system have been completed already, and the renderings below should give you an idea on how the finished product will look like.
Advanced aerodynamics and structural design components will most likely make their way onto this supersonic business jet, proving once again that military technological advancements are just the right things to use for sophisticated commercial applications.