Designed to keep one extravagant smoker’s cigars in style, the “Humid’ór”series, by Laura Chavin cigars, is a grand connoisseur’s aim. If the wish to spend big cash on cigar holders arises, there’s no better choice. To keep the highest-quality cigars safe and sound, there is a lot of technology and tradition involved.
And Laura Chavin Humidor has known all these since centuries ago. Huge cedar-wood shelves and experts all around are the recipe for the great conditions in which cigar-smokers keep their beloved treasures. All these are accomplished with the help of sensors that permanently check on the temperature and humidity of the storage areas. And any humidor contains lots of them.
Built in two different sizes – the Humidor Petite that can store up to 280 cigars and Humidor Grand, with a capacity of 500 pieces -, every humidor can be fully customizable, for a price starting at around $25,500. Plus, being crafted in Germany, top quality is a big “must”.
The “maison des cigares” collection is available as well, displaying pocket humidors – portable, stylish cigar-cases, designed for the upper-class. Available in many finishes, like bison skin, calf skin, croc leather or shark leather, these cases will only be sold in limited numbers. They are hand-crafted, worked in the most hidden detail.
The humidors are extremely easy to use, the cigars coming out without any effort. They are equipped with an adjustment wheel that controls humidity, regardless of the outside conditions and a top-quality sponge which keeps distilled water near the cigars, providing enough humidity to the “maison des cigares”. They can also come in many custom colors and already waiting smoking-fans.
[Laura Chavin via BornRich]
I’ve a Laura Chavin grand humidor that it doesn’t work.
What can I do?
Is there any representative in Barcelona or in Spain to take a look and solve the problem?
Tengo cava de puros en BCN en la CALLE PARIS 160, si quieres pasar podemos comentar sobre el humidor