You wouldn’t know it without taking a closer look, but the intriguing piece we are about to show you is actually a grill.
Designed by Cessaré, the Kara Grill features a circular design which makes it look more like a work of art, a modern sculpture if you will, rather than something you’d use to make hamburgers over the weekend. Once you get closer though, you see that in the center of the two black circles which make up the structure of the piece there actually is a cooking (or grilling) apparatus, just like there’d be on a more traditional grill.
From here on it’s conventional all the way, as the Kara Grill uses charcoal and can cook anything from steak, to vegetables, to seafood.
The cool-looking Kara Grill can raise the profile on any backyard or outdoor space, while also allowing you to prepare a tasty meal – and so it is priced accordingly, at about $7,300. If you’re looking for a cheaper option, that’s still one of the best gas grills on the market, LeanGrill has an in-depth review of the most popular grills out there.