Jazz fans probably know that the legendary Avo Uvezian, a renowned Armenian-American jazz artist, launched his own cigar brand a good 30 years ago. On the other hand, cigar enthusiasts might also be aware that Avo Uvezian has been blending cigars with Davidoff of Geneva’s Hendrik Kellner for thirty years, now.
But what you don’t know yet is that Uvezian’s latest release puts a new spin on a familiar blend. The popular jazz artist is turning 90 this year and this special anniversary deserves a unique celebration, right? That’s exactly why Davidoff of Geneva has released the Avo Cigars 90th Classic Covers Volume 3, a limited edition that would please all fans his fans.
The Classic Covers line of cigars uses filler tobaccos from Avo brand’s established blends, featuring Mexican binders and Ecuadoran wrappers.
This new blend is based on the filler tobaccos of the well-established Avo XO cigar, with rare Dominican tobaccos aged for 10 and 11 years and a Habano 2000 Claro wrapper adding to the wonderful mix. It comes in a single size, specifically a 6-inch by 54-ring toro, while the packaging was designed to resemble Avo’s own record player.
The unique box is actually a ceramic tray, housing two rows of nine cigars, with a lid shaped like a chic vinyl record; funny enough, the box doubles as an ashtray. Davidoff of Geneva will produce only 3,500 boxes like this one, and a single cigar retails for $17, so it will cost you $304 to get a box of 18. Pretty cheap.