Cohiba, the most prestigious brand of tobacco, celebrated its 50th anniversary in style last year, releasing the perfect gift for cigar lovers: the limited edition Cohiba 50 Aniversario humidor set. This special package was a tribute to one of the most exclusive and luxurious releases in the history of Habanos, Cohiba Majestuosos 1966.
For 2017, Habanos introduced the Cohiba Talismán 2017 Limited Edition, with heavy ring gauge Habanos boasting a medium to full strength flavor, characteristic of the Línea Clásica blend. Elegant and charismatic, these cigars‘ leaves have been aged for over two years and you can now experience their flavor at the Garden Lounge venue at the Corinthia Hotel London.
All the Habanos of this Edición Limitada were hand-made with Long Fille, and their leaves were specially selected from the Vuelta Abajo, Cuba – probably the world’s best land for growing tobacco. Produced and developed following meticulous manufacturing processes at the legendary El Laguito factory, in Havana, these are the type of goodies everyone should try at least once in their lifetime.
The Cohiba name comes from the first inhabitants of the island of Cuba, the Taíno Indians, who used this ancient word to define the rolled tobacco leaves. Feel free to associate the name with the unique flavor of this limited edition. Enjoy!