If you’re a fellow wine connoisseur then you should already know by now that using a decanter is pretty much a given at this point. To the untrained eye it may seem quite useless or just not worth the price tag, but for the expert in the field it’s pretty clear that the extra exposure to the oxygen can really help emphasize the taste and aroma of the fruit that you really can’t go wrong with.
But, how can you really choose the best wine decanter for you if you don’t even know what makes a decanter good in the first place? There is a multitude of ways that you can use to find the best one, but how do you know which one suits you personally?
This is what we’re here to find out together. But, before we get into our top 20 picks for the day, let’s just give a brief synopsis over how you can choose the best wine decanter and what you need to look out for.
After this part is done, we urge that you look through our list and pick out the one that suits your needs the most. While we may believe that number 1 is better than number 20, the same cannot be said for you.
So, just remember, we’re here to indicate the 20 best wine decanters out there, it’s still your job to find the best one for you. But, without further ado, let’s start off with the buyer’s guide and then move on from there.
How to Choose the Best Wine Decanter

Before you go ahead and throw your hard-earned money at the first decanter that catches your eye we urge you that you look into what makes a wine decanter fitting for you in the first place. So, depending on which wine you want to drink from it, here are the top examples that you need to look out for:
- Wide Base Wine Decanters – Perfect for Full-Bodied Red Wines
- Medium-Sized Base Wine Decanters – Perfect for Medium-Bodied Red Wines
- Small / Medium-Sized Base Wine Decanter – Perfect for Light-Bodied Red Wines
- Small Chilled Decanter – Perfect for White and Rose Wines
So, as you can see, it mostly centers around which type of wine you want to drink at the end of the day. If you don’t know which type that you’re going to drink then we recommend you go for the last one on our list since that’s a pretty universally acclaimed wine decanter type right there.
You also need to keep in mind that depending on the price tag of the wine, a decanter may or may not be a necessity. For example, cheap wines tend to need oxygen to actually taste good, or even have any flavor whatsoever.
Full-Bodied wines on the other hand don’t always need it, but when they do they need to be kept there for up to 2 hours at a time to fully get the oxygen in it.
If the wine is especially expensive you will need to wait for over 2 hours at a time for it to get fully decanted.
But alas, now that you know the criteria that you need to look out for, we recommend that you check out the top 20 we have in store for you today and choose the right one for you. So, here’s our number 20 pick:
20. iSommelier Smart Decanter

If you don’t have the most time on your hand to get ready for the special event then the iSommelier is definitely going to be the perfect choice for you since it can do what a lot of other decanters do nowadays, just faster!
It perfectly penetrates the wine in a matter of minutes, cutting down the time and even making the process easier so even a total beginner can use it.
19. Riedel Ultra Decanter

The great thing about the Riedel Ultra decanter is the fact that it is all handmade, meaning that you already know that the model that you’re getting is 100% unique and exquisitely made for you.
It features that classic shape that we’ve pretty much just fallen in love with over the years, and it’s also been considered to be one of the best gift ideas for wine collectors around the world as of 2021.
The only real problem with it is definitely the fact that it is very fragile and expensive. So, although we still recommend it, this might not be the best choice for you if you move around a lot and need something sturdy that won’t break if you drop it once.
18. vSpin Spiegelau Active Wine Decanter

Spiegelau have made quite a name for themselves in the industry as the literal inimitable brand that never stops nor slows down when it comes to its quality services.
It is the perfect oxygenator for your wine, not only does it do it fast but it is also optimized to give you the best aroma that you can get from that wine bottle.
Experts have stated that you can cut down the waiting time by up to five minutes by just keeping it in the decanter. The only real problem is again its price tag, but if you can shill out enough for it we would definitely recommend it.
17. Rabbit Pura Decanting System

Moving onto our next pick for the day, this is an especially impressive design since it was literally made for the purpose of aerating your wine to the limit.
You just pick up a standard 750 mL bottle and you pour it into the decanter. Leave it there for however long it needs to be kept and just like that you’ve gotten yourself a perfectly oxygenized bottle of wine.
It is very easy to use and it is especially fast too, the only real problem with it is that its design is pretty messy when it comes to actually pouring the wine inside, so cleaning it will definitely be a bit of a hassle if you’re not used to it.
16. Riedel Merlot Decanter

Commonly referred to as the best decanter for young wines, this is pretty much just one of the top tier choices that you can make if you don’t want to spend a ton of money and yet you still want to get your money’s worth out of this product.
On top of that it also just looks very pretty, just take a look at it and you’ll instantly see why it has so many five-star reviews on amazon.
15. BTäT Decanter with Stand

The best part about this decanter is that it is not only easy to use but also incredibly easy to clean up afterwards. That’s right, it literally comes with a whole kit that you can use to easily clean it, making the hardest part about owning a decanter way easier to work around.
It’s the perfect choice for both white wines and older wines, just make sure that you pour a bit slower or that you hold the lower part steady while you do so because some users have apparently found it tipping over and spilling everywhere when they least expected it.
14. Waterford Elegance Carafe

Commonly referred to as one of the best crystal-built decanters in the world, this is a wide and deep based carafe that will always work its charm regardless of the event you’re hosting.
It is a relatively cheap decanter too and on top of that it makes for a great addition to your house simply because of how beautiful it is. Just be really careful when you wash it, that crystal can be quite fragile.
13. Riedel Magnum Decanter

This right here is one of the best decanters in the world simply because it can hold up to two 750 ml bottles or just a full magnum of wine, as the name implies.
It is quite a beautiful decanter too and it is extremely large when compared to most other decanters out there. Couple that with the affordable price and you’ve got yourself one of the best decanters you can ever get your hands on.
12. Sagaform Wine Decanter

Sagaform have done it again, they’ve pretty much brought us one of the best wine decanters out there and no one can argue against that.
It is very near perfection, it is easy to hold and pour into, it is very aesthetic so you can keep it in the view even when you’re not preparing for any special occasion or whatnot and it is 100% dishwasher-safe.
The only real bad thing about it is the fact that it’s not drip-free, but hey, they can’t all be winners right?
11. Le Sens Wine Decanter

If what you’re looking for is beauty in its simplicity, then this right here might be the right decanter for you. It is astonishing how beautiful this one is, just look at this incredible shape and you’ll instantly get it why it’s one of our top picks right here.
On top of that it also fits a whole bottle of wine in it, and as you can tell right off the bat, this is all hand-made work right here. But, because of this beautiful design you also have to get used to a little bit of spillage every now and then.
10. YouYah Wine Decanter

YouYah have really stopped to think what could possibly make for the best wine decanter out there, and for what it’s worth it was definitely worth the wait.
When it comes to its offerings, the YouYah Wine Decanter gets an astounding five out of five from us because of its beautiful hand-made design and its incredible range of accessories that it comes with.
On top of it all, it comes in a perfect gift packaging meaning that it is the perfect choice for the wine critic that has a passion for the red and the white selection. The only real downside with it is the fact that its shape doesn’t allow for more than 750ml at a time.
9. Luigi Bormioli Crescendo Wine Decanter

This decanter right here deserves to be on this list simply because of its incredible price/quality ratio. You can typically get it for around $50 or so, and for that price tag you get a product that rivals some of the decanters out there that are worth almost ten times that amount.
Let’s not forget the fact that it is incredibly easy to hold and pour into and very durable as well. Just, don’t forget that it is not as durable as it seems at firsthand, meaning that while you can drop it once or twice, it might not be a good idea to keep it in the dishwasher and all that.
8. Baccarat JCB Passion Wine Decanter

If you want elegance and grace then look no further than this decanter right here. If you’re willing to shill out almost $900 into a product that will last you a lifetime then this is definitely the perfect choice for you.
Everything from its design to its quality material, all the way up to its incredible history, this is one decanter that is worth every penny and we mean that!
7. HiCoup Red Wine Decanter

If you don’t have the money for the Baccarat wine decanter though don’t worry because this right here is definitely a good alternative to it. But it looks expensive! It may look the part, but it is actually under $30 most everywhere you look.
So, if you want a damn good product that does the job for so small of an investment then go for it.
6. GoodGlassware Wine Decanter

Imagine this: You get a decanter with a 1300ml capacity and an aerification unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. It is extremely easy to clean and very sturdy.
On top of it all, it’s also placed on a very wide and stable base that will not tip over not even if you bump into it while setting up the table. GoodGlassware have definitely made what many would consider to be the best decanter out there and who are we to argue against that?
5. Godinger Dublin Wine Decanter

This is yet another incredible decanter that you can get for a fraction of the price tag that you’d usually come to expect from these high-quality products.
Its shape is also worth mentioning as it is one of the slimmest and most compact decanters in the world. It is fully hand-made and it can fit a whole 750ml bottle of wine inside.
The only real issue we have with it is definitely the fact that the cork can easily pop right out of its socket, but if you can keep that in mind this is a product that definitely deserves your attention.
4. Rabbit Super-Aerating Decanter System

Rabbit have proved themselves time and time again as one of the best companies for wine lovers around the globe and they continue to outdo themselves to this very day with incredible products such as this one.
It is extremely easy to use and you can serve the wine within minutes after you set it up. On top of it all, it comes with a complete 3-piece set.
3. Simplified by Jess Wine Decanter

First off, you can hold up to two bottles of wine inside of this decanter. Second of all, it is specifically made to aerate red wine. Third of all, it is a hundred percent lead-free meaning that you won’t have to worry about that in the slightest.
If that’s not enough to get you excited, just look at its incredible design and realize the fact that you get a whopping 2-year money-back guarantee if you’re not a hundred percent behind this choice right here.
2. Riedel Cabernet Decanter

If you want to store your older red wine in something then this right here is the perfect choice for you. It is so amazing that most top tier restaurants around the globe opt for it. Let’s not forget the fact that it is also made up of one of the most elegant and delicate crystals in the world.
Just remember that beauty can be quite fragile, so it’s best to wash it with your hands instead of using the dishwasher.
1. Le Chateau Wine Decanter

Definitely our favorite out of all of them, this right here is what we would refer to as the perfect wine decanter in the world simply because it has no downsides.
Price wise it’s extremely affordable considering just how amazing it is. On top of that, it is known for giving red wine a special flavor that no other decanter can offer it. It has a very sturdy and large surface area that’s tip-proof and it has a slightly slanted spout that makes sure there’s no drippage happening anytime soon.

All in all, these are the top 20 best wine decanters that we can think of out there. Sure, some are better than others objectively speaking, but at the end of the day remember to choose whichever suits you best as we ordained in the beginning.
Thank you for reading this far and we hope that your acquisition was worth the investment.
Contents [hide]
- How to Choose the Best Wine Decanter
- 20. iSommelier Smart Decanter
- 19. Riedel Ultra Decanter
- 18. vSpin Spiegelau Active Wine Decanter
- 17. Rabbit Pura Decanting System
- 16. Riedel Merlot Decanter
- 15. BTäT Decanter with Stand
- 14. Waterford Elegance Carafe
- 13. Riedel Magnum Decanter
- 12. Sagaform Wine Decanter
- 11. Le Sens Wine Decanter
- 10. YouYah Wine Decanter
- 9. Luigi Bormioli Crescendo Wine Decanter
- 8. Baccarat JCB Passion Wine Decanter
- 7. HiCoup Red Wine Decanter
- 6. GoodGlassware Wine Decanter
- 5. Godinger Dublin Wine Decanter
- 4. Rabbit Super-Aerating Decanter System
- 3. Simplified by Jess Wine Decanter
- 2. Riedel Cabernet Decanter
- 1. Le Chateau Wine Decanter