Since 1865, five generations of Nestor Plasencia’s family have been growing top wrapper, binder, and filler tobaccos, with their tobacco farm being the first in Cuba, and later in Nicaragua and Honduras, to do so. The Cuban embargo had forced cigar makers throughout the Caribbean to come to Plasencia to benefit from his rich, earthy, finely cultivated leaf, and that’s why Plasencia’s cigar-making factories have produced award-winning cigars for numerous brands, such as Rocky Patel and Quesada.
But why not develop their very own cigar line? That’s a decision that was finally made recently, and we’re now able to feast our eyes on the new Plasencia Alma Fuerte cigar line.
It was only a matter of time before Nestor Plasencia and his family decided to create their own brand of cigars, and Alma Fuerte ($21-$23) reflects the family’s efforts and attention to detail that go into each and every cigar. Nicaraguan puros, composed of tobaccos from Jalapa, Estelí, Condega, and Ometepe, were hand rolled in the Plasencia cigar factory in Estelí and packed in an equally appealing cigar box.
The three initial sizes are medium to full-bodied, while the 7 x 58 Generación V starts out with manageable notes of earth, lettuce, and toasted oak and transitions into a much stronger taste as it gets experienced and narrows. A true cigar enthusiast will most likely appreciate the underside of the Plasencia cigar box top, which features a pewter medallion and deep grooves that also enable it to be used as an ashtray. A nice touch, right?