Camacho Cigars are widely known for their exquisite, luxury cigars. Backed up by more than 50 years of cigar hand-manufacture, they’re presenting their latest product, which the company considers to be the best cigar Honduras has ever offered – the Liberty Series 2012.
This time they’re tackling cigar manufacture in a different manner, unique by essence. Unlike the products of last year, Davidoff-influenced, for which they’ve chosen many varieties of tobacco from all sorts of places, Camacho Liberty Series 2012 makes use of four blends from the authentic Corojo crop from 2008, all of them grown in the same area, exclusively for these cigars.
They sport rich Honduran binder, a mix of aromas like well-aged Dominican and Honduran long-fillers, oily Honduran Habano wrapper and dark tones conferred by the sole tobacco blends. All these provide an unforgettable experience, relaxing and exquisite.
Two thousand boxes containing 20 cigars each will be manufactured, a total of 40,000 cigars worldwide. Each Camacho Liberty 2012 will be wrapped in tissue paper, then into individually numbered humidor-like cedar boxes from Spain. A box of 20 cigars will cost $336, while a single piece will value $16.80.