If you’re a big cigar aficionado, I’m sure you would do anything to protect your exotic cigars and preserve their subtle aromas, right? This is where the titanium artisans from Solloshi could help you, with their latest limited edition series of cigar accessories which seems to go a step further than anything else you’ve ever seen.
The company’s exquisite Solloshi 888 Series is probably the most impressive gift for a cigar lover, with exclusive titanium humidors, elegant cigar tubes and luxurious titanium cigar travel cases. Once glance upon this collection and you’ll quickly realize that each of these accessories is a practical piece of art.
Solloshi revisited everyday objects, replacing leather, wood and steel with meticulous designed elements, manufactured from titanium using state-of-the-art technologies.
The 888 Series will include a gorgeous humidifier that will easily accommodate an 8,26” (210 mm) cigar with ring 55 size (22 mm), offering it a VIP treatment. It can be filled without even opening the pod, which just adds to the charm and savor of the cigar.
Next, the 88 Series Humidor is made from more than 40 pieces of CNC machined titanium components, mixed in an elegant and minimalist shape that could hold up to 30 cigars at one time. The 88 Series has been equipped with a sensor, to ensure the level of humidity is always set accurately.
Last but not least, the Hyperion travel case was designed for true cigar aficionados who travel with multiple cigars around the world, with the titanium masterpiece designed to keep those fine creations untouched. The integrated humidifier ensures optimal humidity for 4 of your largest cigars, while also making a bold fashion statement. Enjoy!