Gurkha Cigars, an acclaimed cigar brand that has been actually around since 1887, has planned to shock and awe every single cigar enthusiast with their newest offering. Called The Royal Courtesan, this is the world’s most expensive cigar, with an astonishing price tag of exactly $1,000,000. Why does it cost that much, you ask?
Well, this highly supreme cigar roll has been apparently infused with Remy Martin’s Black Pearl Louix XIII, a bottle that retails for about $165,000. And if exclusivity is what you are looking for, look no further, as this ostentatious cigar will surely prove to be an incredible conversation starter.
Each of the Royal Courtesan Cigars was hand made with filler from the ancient lands of the Himalayas and tobacco filtered in Fiji water. The wrapper is actually gold leaf, while the band is encrusted with diamonds totaling five karats. Even the delivery process is meant to be incredible, as a messenger wearing white gloves will be bringing these beauties straight to your home.
Perfect in every way, these cigars are handled by a selected and blindfolded group, to ensure their heightened senses guide their movements naturally. If all of this seems made up, please note it isn’t; in fact, you are more than free to contact the company and praise them for this outrageous product. I guess we might need to edit our list with the most expensive cigars right now.