In early 2014, Swiss luxury tobacco goods brand Davidoff announced the unveiling of a cigar from 2002 for later in the year. And now Oro Blanco (White Gold), a cigar made, as announced, using entirely tobacco from twelve years ago and the first vintage smoke ever released by the company has finally been released.
The tobacco utilized was set aside at the time by Eladio Diaz, who thought those had something truly special about them, and comes from a specific area of the Dominican Republic where all Davidoff cigars are sourced. These leaves had been set aside for aging, waiting for the right time to be put to good use – and it seems the time had come.
The name Oro Blanco references the two Davidoff colors: gold text on its signature white bands. Due to the particularities of the approval process, the company could not set a release cycle or a pre-determined production size. A Davidoff representative did however state that the batch is “very small”, while also making it quite clear that the release will be limited. The Oro Blanco cigar will only be available at a few select location is the United States and other places around the world.